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“A moment’s insight is sometimes worth a life’s experience.” Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.


Moon continues in, “I always have food on my mind” Cancer. A cosmic cue to keep our little fannies scurrying around the kitchen. Keep in mind, too, that we have a Full Moon in emotional Cancer tomorrow. If we’re already feeling a little “teary-eyed,” it’s because of this factor.

Additionally, we have the third and final conjunction of intellectual Mercury with, “Let me take you down, way down” Pluto in “professionally-attired” Capricorn. (The earlier two Mercury-Pluto meet-ups occurred in December 2010.)

With Mercury conjunct perceptive Pluto we journey deep within our interior corridors, looking for answers to our troubled or shady past. Pluto is the guardian of our mysterious subconscious, and aligned with curious Mercury, some of our submerged or hidden contents may suddenly rise to the surface for a thorough and final inspection. This is an excellent time for arriving at mental breakthroughs pertaining to our past. We’re capable of “piercing insights” when we dig deep now. Our communications can also be more riveting and intense.

We’re also probing externally for the possibility of finding any hastily discarded lottery tickets that could be winners. Some of us, too, may be grappling with thoughts of disrobing, while we’re probing, since Mercury-Pluto can also be a little kinky. Of course, with the Moon in foodaholic Cancer, there’s a chance that the kitchen table may also be used for purposes other than setting our plates. 🙂

Last, but not least: We may want to go online and check out the current job openings at WikiLeaks. Mercury-Pluto is associated with spying, and covert operations, and with this conjunction falling in professionally-minded Capricorn, it may be a good time to submit our resume there for maximum impact. We may also want to underscore in it, the fact, that we have big connections at Kohl’s, in the coat department, which affords us generous discounts on all the latest trench coat fashions. A compelling reality that may sway Julian Assange to bring us aboard. Furthermore, we are even privy to Hillary Clinton‘s coat size, a matter that is closely-guarded by American embassies everywhere.

Patrice Thompson

(c) Copyright 2011

Source Notes:

Holmes: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/keywords/insight.html

Looking through the tube: http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1167404

Mosaic Sun: Mosaic Sun: http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1327692

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