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“He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still.” Lao Tzu

“Well, it’s back to the daily grind for most of us today, as we get ready for the big eclipse new moon tomorrow. Regrettably, no more time to sit around and idly fantasize about George Clooney.

Fittingly today, we have the Moon in “busy bee” Capricorn (2:39 am EST) goading us on to be more productive. The main focus today is the Moon’s powerful conjunction to “Wikileaks’ director of intelligence” Pluto (12:42 pm EST), which can get us secretly involved with an array of clandestine power or control issues, particularly in the workplace. And, especially if we work for or around Hillary Clinton. 🙂

With Moon-Pluto, we often need to feel a heady sense of our own power and self-worth, and sometimes we try to achieve this by manipulating or controlling others, which can, of course, painfully backfire, triggering immense power struggles and vicious food fights. Especially since this conjunction is occurring about lunch time on the east coast, and in the D.C. area. So we need to tread carefully. Better, too, as Lao Tzu says, that we should seek to master ourselves instead. Especially maybe strive for more insight into whatever it is that is driving our desires. Pluto’s activated ray brings to the surface submerged emotions and feelings.

We may also want to see today if we can purge or eliminate (Pluto) redundant tasks or work duties, in a bid to become more self-managed and efficient. Always with Pluto, it is a good idea to try to pare things down, get rid of the bloat and excess. This includes, too, very discreetly passing any nasty, odorous digestive gas that may have been building up inside of us during the holidays. I also realize that this is a very delicate topic to discuss here, and am only doing so out of genuine concern for our physical well-being. Pluto does govern all forms of the excretion process, while the Moon rules food.

Additionally, it’s an excellent time for recycling. Pitch those things that we don’t want to have around us in 2011. An item that immediately comes to mind here: The bathroom scale! Get rid of the wicked thing!

In closing, here’s a perfect tie-in for today’s “budget-minded” Capricorn Moon. The front page of the Wall Street Journal, which reads: “Congress Targets Spending.” Pure delight to the tightwad Capricorn Moon’s eyes! Of course, we also have the Sun, Mars, and the previously alluded to “Pluto” in Capricorn, too. Adding even more zeal and passion to the budget-cutting process.

Some questions to maybe ask ourselves today:

Do we need to reign in our own personal spending?

What can we somewhat painlessly eliminate from our daily lives, that will have the net affect of putting more money in our pockets, at the end of each month?

Can we perhaps find new uses for old things, especially limpid male body parts?

Do we need to maybe start parting our hair on the right side now, in wake of the new republican-led congress in the U.S.?

The next question may be a bit of a stretch, but here it is: With the Moon in “teeth-ruling” Capricorn conjunct perceptive Pluto, should we maybe pay closer attention to how people eat and chew their food today, and perhaps note, for statistical and public health purposes, how many of them get noticeable food particles tragically trapped in their teeth? And what to do about it, if they do? Should we kindly chime in to a stranger in a restaurant, “Hey, buddy, I casually noticed you have a big, unsighly chunk of green spinach beside your front tooth that needs to immediately come out! Here’s some floss!” Maybe tell them, too, that we’re afraid if the spinach stays lodged in there for too long, it could become something permanent, and eventually that frightening reality could lead to massive epidemics of other people suffering the same plight. 🙂

A special treat for you today! Follow this link to business astrologer, Ellen Longo’s, forecast for the week. http://astro4business.com/

Patrice Thompson

(c) copyright 2010

Source Notes:

Rolling Stones Far Away Eyes YouTube

fish black sword: http://www.sxc.hu/photo/629666

Lion: http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1111045

Lao Tzu: http://thinkexist.com/quotations/power/

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